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    Journal of Heredity

    American Genetic Association


    – Support for our author and subscriber community

    Latest Issue
    Volume 111 Issue 3 May 2020
    Impact Factor
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    Editorial Board


    The editorial board announces a new article category, Genome Resources, for manuscripts that describe genome assembly resources of practical value to the broader scientific community.



    2020: AGA 2018: Origins of Adaptive Radiation 

    2019: AGA 2017: Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics in the Wild

    2019: The Cactophilic极光加速器安卓 Model System

    2018: AGA 2016: Local Adaptation

    2017: AGA 2015: Chromosome Evolution

    2016: AGA 2014: Evolution & Plasticity

    2015: Latin American Conservation Genetics

    2014: Speciation Continuum


    We are proud to present you with our review article collection, which includes the eight most recently published Journal of Heredity review articles.

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    The journal features primary research on organismal genetics in the following newly categorized subject areas:

    • Conservation genomics and biodiversity
    • Tree of Life: Population structure, phylogeography and phylogenomics
    • Genotype to phenotype
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    Submissions are also being accepted for our newest article category, 极光加速官网.


    19th May 2020 | ScienceDaily

    Migratory secrets of recovering whale species

    4th November 2019 | ScienceDaily

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    21st October 2018 | OUPblog
    From Darwin to DNA: evolution, genomics, and conservation of the Galapagos giant tortoises

    30th April 2018 | EurekAlert!
    Humans are Sumatran rhinoceros' biggest threat -- and last hope

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    Journal of Heredity is committed to publishing the latest research utilizing evolutionary genomic approaches to answer important questions in organismal biology.

    Read our 极光加速破解 or submit your research online now.


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    • Now publishing accepted manuscripts.
      Journal of Heredity is pleased to offer rapid publication whereby the PDFs of all accepted papers will be readable online within 24 hours of acceptance.
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      The American Genetic Association pays for free data deposition in DRYAD for accepted articles. Read our data archiving policy for more details.




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    XX/XY Sex Chromosomes in the South American Dwarf Gecko (Gonatodes humeralis)
    Turtle Mating Systems: Behavior, Sperm Storage, and Genetic Paternity
    Identification of Multiple QTL Hotspots in Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing and a Dense Linkage Map
    Sex Determination, Sex Chromosomes, and Karyotype Evolution in Insects
    Hybridization, Introgression, and the Nature of Species Boundaries

    Most cited

    The Analysis of Polyploid Genetic Data
    Genetic Costs of Domestication and Improvement
    Genomic Studies of Local Adaptation in Natural Plant Populations
    Population Networks Associated with Runs of Homozygosity Reveal New Insights into the Breeding History of the Haflinger Horse
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    Revisiting FIS, FST, Wahlund Effects, and Null Alleles

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